Prevent Cancer Foods: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. However, you can reduce its risk by making some changes in your diet.
Best Food For Breast Cancer: Nowadays the cases of breast cancer in women are increasing very fast. If breast cancer is not detected on time, it can be fatal. Every year how many women die from breast cancer. The risk of breast cancer remains in the mind of a woman. However, you can reduce the risk of breast cancer by diet and a healthy lifestyle. To avoid breast cancer, you should include some such things in your diet, which reduce the risk of cancer. You can reduce the risk of breast cancer by consuming these things.
If you drink black tea regularly then it can reduce the risk of breast cancer. This is because black tea contains an element called epigallocatechin gallate, which prevents the growth of cancer cells.
You must drink green tea at least once a day. Green tea has rich anti-inflammatory properties that prevent breast cancer.
Some people drink very hot tea, which can cause breast cancer. Actually, hot temperature helps to increase cancer cells. So eat only light hot things.
Vitamin D helps a lot in preventing cancer. Therefore, you must consume milk and curd rich in vitamin D in the diet. Apart from this, eat other foods with vitamin D as well.
To reduce the risk of breast cancer, eat foods rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C not only enhances immunity, but the elements found in it also reduce cancer cells.
Wheatgrass ie wheatgrass is also very beneficial to prevent cancer. It not only reduces the risk of cancer but also strengthens the immune system. You must drink wheatgrass juice.
Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods, and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.